Multi-Format Content Publishing

Easily add enriching content in various formats to the platform. And content that organizes in beautifully designed layouts.

Increase Right Content Enhance Learning.

Publish Content with ease

Easy multi-format Content addition such as podcasts, videos, blogs, long-form articles, and short-form posts from internal & external teams.

No Code No tech

You or your team can add enriching content to your platform with simple steps.  Easy to use for even a non-tech person.

Content Review system

Let your users rate your content. The review system will provide feedback on what content was useful for the audience.

Content Analytics

Establish yourself as a thought leader by being the one who is sharing it with your community.

Ready to talk?
Schedule a Personalized 1:1


Upload video directly to the platform.


Upload your Podcast directly to the platform.

Long Form Articles

Write and publish rich, compelling Articles with images, native video, and embeds.

Short Form Posts

Quickly share a note, video, blog photo, or  link with your Absorbd Network.


Pose a question in a way that catches the eye and solicits answers from your members.


Multiple choice, percentage, and hot/cold polls are one of the simplest ways to get members talking.


Organize conversations around the things your learners care about.

Control & Analytics

Easily add content in minutes. Advanced and attractive analytics reports.

Related Resources


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